billy shears pictures

Everyone points to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike. They are two different people fact, the dna proves it..why do you think Heather Mills is banned from ever telling the truth? If you enjoy books by illuminaries such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, or Marianne Williamson, you will love reading some of their favorite concepts behind Beatles songs. And he wants you all to sing along Paul's flower is black but the other three flowers are red. THEY say that hints of Paul dying started in the Revolver album BUTTTTTTT the REVOLVER album was recorded and released BEFORE November 9 1966. Billy Shears Age 57 / Oct 1964 View Profile Nacogdoches, TX Known as Billie Shears Elizabeth Johnson, 66 Loretha Jones, 54 Chaquita Green, 33 Teresa Bledsoe, 53 Wade Corder, 36 Lived in 204 Seale St, Nacogdoches, TX 75964 (936) 560-6416 108 Seale St, Nacogdoches, TX 75964 (936) 560-2104 Longview, TX Billy Shears Age 71 / Aug 1950 Dual misdirection at its finest. He looks, talks and sounds just like the singer. Facebook & YouTube links. 970 Followers, 1,720 Following, 260 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Billy Shears (@desdeyhacia) Someone, knows the truth.Eh, Beatle Bill? The business is listed under barber shop category. Those looking for lyrical references to Pauls death listened closely to the lyrics of the songs on Abbey Road. Join Facebook to connect with Billy Shears and others you may know. he suddenly paid her off when she threatened to reveal the truth. Although John Pepper was head of the entire British spy organization in the US from the late 1940's, his presence has been pretty well scrubbed from history. or. Advertisement. Saddle-stitch booklet, Paperback $39.97 NOW ONLY $33.33 (from Amazon). Near the end of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever," upon careful listening, a faint voice stated something like "I buried Paul." A few months later, when the Beatles were looking for a new drummer after Ringo Starr left temporarily, Lennon suggested that they audition Billy Shears. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The anger of the public if he were exposed today is another reason they keep the ruse going. The autograph, for instance, was signed by somebody right-handed! He now goes by the name of Mr Whippy. The band should have been honest that Paul was out either by death or choice. It took some real effort, but I finally saw them as 2 separate, individual guys. He told me (as a hamster, of course.). Billy Shears Salon / Barbershop Lynchburg Save Share Tips 2 Photos 2 See what your friends are saying about Billy Shears. Billy Shears Acrostical Decoding provides new reading pleasure to those who accept the challenge of breaking the secret code. Please, It was the day after Christmas, and Paul McCartney was visiting his family in the town of Heswall, a suburb of Liverpool. When the Beatles were elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Paul did not show up due to personal conflicts with his business scheduling, or so he says. He was a natural left handed player who didnt need to constantly look where his fingers on the guitar were, this one still checks his fingers. If you enjoy cross-word puzzles, word searches, or Sudoku, you will love this new code-breaking challenge. Where does it appear first? Those dreamy eyes I fell in love with in 1963. It is inconceivable that not one of these people would be tempted to reveal if Paul had died to their families, friends and, most notably, for money to newspapers an TV companies. A significant part of my life revolved around the Beatles. - Nunh-huh 01:45, 10 Jun 2004 (UTC) (There's . Maybe he didnt have a choice. The photograph of the Beatles on the zebra crossing on the sleeve of Abbey Road is meant to represent a funeral procession. May 28, 2018 - Explore Single Bruce's board "Billy Shears" on Pinterest. And the line One and one and one is three might mean that there are now three Beatles instead of four. Service Kit for Husqvarna model: 570BTS. Pepper.. Billy went through plastic surgery and singing lessons to replace Paul MacCartney and take on the role of Paul (not just replace him). Billy Shears presents 'Sounds of The Sixties' show and a solo tribute to The Beatles show. Sort by lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year, VIN, and location. Nothing compared to the chilling revelations of "Revolution No. No winners were ever announced for this competition. . The Beatles made up the clues about Paul has a distraction. We would like to thank all the family, friends, and cousins who come down to the 1712 Tavern last night. He then persuaded the remaining Beatles to stay together and accept William Campbell Shears as a replacement. The two Italian researchers were shocked to discover that the photos of Paul McCartney prior to 1966 did not match the photos taken after 1967: For example, the frontal curvature of the jaw was different (i.e. Money is power. The television set on the ground to the right of the Beatles is turned off, suggesting that the news of the tragedy had been suppressed. In many ways the identity of Billy Shears is clear enough. But to the three remaining Beatles this was their first attempt at telling us something happened in 1965. The main physical proof is the scar on his upper lip from the December 1965 Moped accident. has the best of the Memoirs' "Paul is Dead" material (excluding those chapters with enough philosophical significance to be included in Beatles Enlightenment) and also excluding those that were considered too dark to be included in either compilation. Wells and double agent master occultist Aleister Crowley. It doesn't matter if it was fraudulent or not when you have some of the most powerful people behind the scenes pulling the strings. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) you can hear a voice shouting Paul is dead, yeah, really dead!. Of course they don't always happen. Paul McCartney in 1964. Billy's Back! Paperback $7.77 The only morons I can see are the ones that need to be told by the mainstream media what to think and when to think it. It was Paul the first time, but Billy the second time. Most people didn't have television, those who did had tiny black & white sets with a fuzzy picture and believed all they saw and were told on that 'magical' box at the time. Paul had apparently left upset over an argument with the other Beatles, took his Aston Martin sports car, and perished in a horrible accident that killed him. Charlotte A's comment on Ringo's singing. Well spotted Charlotte. His work has been featured in many magazines and he has won numerous awards for his photography. Once the party ended, Tara drove music groupie Suki home, and according to her, Tara swerved out of the way to avoid hitting another car head on before smashing fatally into more cars. Whoever took over knew how to write songs with bite in them and not those poppy paulies although he can do those as well. Its easy for officials like M15 to create fake identification. Regarding the rediculas conspirasy theory- John and Paul are both still well alive and working at my local Aldi supermarket, Paul collects the descarded shopping trolly's on the carpark and John bites off thewheels that have a mind of there own, ie: those wheels that want to travel left wile the other three in unison want to travel right, we have all had them! These memoirs of Paul McCartney are far less conservative than the traditional story. I'm not convinced by your arguments. Download The Memoirs of Billy Shears Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. Persons whom have not honoured their contracts or whom have had doubts seem to have died or mysteriously disappeared. Two of the dolls arms are raised, one pointing at the wax image of the younger Paul and the other pointing at Paul himself. The Beatles were such a money-making machine that most of their hits singles and LP's brought in to the GB and enormous Tsunami of $$$$ that it would seem to me that they would not let the death of one of the Beatles stop the cash flow from continuing to come in. Cockers version is widely considered to be superior to the original, and it has been ranked as one of the greatest cover songs of all time. And was as musically adept as the Original or better. Yesterday. Another distorted part of history. Billy Shears Band Summer Series Concert & Nighclubs photos Birth name: Jason F. Sellards Born: ( 1978-10-03) October 3, 1978 (age 42) Mesa, Arizona, U.S. .. With a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Ayaan specializes in publications on tech-related blogging. These songs support and extend the book content, and are also part of a worldwide talent contest. We had a great group of people and dancers. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Afterward, I revisited videos, film clips, songs & interviews with John, George and Ringo, and it all finally made sense. Billy grew up listening to music from an early age. Billy Shears after 50 years by Northern Life Steve Goddard explains how an unmarried mother and the most influential LP of the 20th Century provide the inspiration for a novel. Some of the Memoirs' chapters that were excluded from compilations contain material that many readers would find disturbing--such as some Biblical humor (about the 666 beat with four heads), the Beatles involvement in Satanism, and, of course, their Paulism. Pepper taught the band to play. The album came out in 1967, so twenty years ago was 1947. In Paul's mouth, his upper right canine tooth is pushed out of its normal position because there is not enough room in his jaw for all of his teeth to fit properly. Carlesi concludes that the crooked tooth in Faul's mouth was the result of a dental operation to simulate the crooked tooth in Paul's mouth. The Beatles soon left Germany, and McCartney abandoned Erica. The book transforms itself as it initiates the reader. Genres: Glam rock . He said he had fallen off his moped during his Christmas stay with his family near Liverpool. Then you are all mental. Fail once spent over a week in a Japanese jail as his fingerprints did not match the true Paul's prints. Somewhat hidden amongst larger pictures is a small one said to depict Paul McCartney wearing a disguise, which he did to avoid being mobbed by fans when he went out in public. Beatles Enlightenment builds on Billy's Back!, but takes you deeper psychologically, not only exposing the "Paul is Dead" meanings in "Let It Be," "Within You and Without You," Across the Universe, and The Long and Winding Road, but also revealing the emotional anguish and ultimate spiritual breakthroughs behind these and other songs. I know for a fact that Paul died. I think the Eyes have it. Billy Shears is a fictional character in the 1967 film, Sgt. Billy Shears. Select Economy Shipping to anywhere in the US for $3.95 Winners will be introduced in the CD booklet, and will receive royalties on the CD and on MP3 downloads. You could also turn the Magical Mystery Tour album jacket upside-down and look at its reflection in the mirror: the title, detailed as stars, became the digits to a phone number. I love this conspiracy. Basically, the Paul is dead controversy overshadowed John's statement and album sales went through the roof with kids trying to find new clues. Your email address will not be published. And the infamous "photo of him" is Paul disguised so people would not recognize him on the street. It makes no sense. Although the album was based around an adopted identity the Beatles performing as Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band the idea that Ringo Starr might masquerading as Billy Shears was too much for some fans, particularly those living in America, the home of the conspiracy theory. Pepper" of Sgt. These features are, for the most part, inconsistent with the Beatlemania Paul look. If you place a compass over the album cover, Karl Marx and H. G. Wells are placed at exactly 33. Look at the film footage of The Beatles' appearances on Ed Sullivan when "Yesterday" was performed. . Since no other teeth are pushing against the crooked tooth, how did that tooth become crooked? Two Italians. However, during these dates Paul was wearing disguises while traveling alone on a personal vacation through France. If you watch the videos of them both playing you will see thatPaul knew the Bass and rarely ever looked at the fretboard in stark contrast to Faul. The original Paul was reconstituted from his cryogenically stored parts (possible co-mingled with Ted Williams) in 2002 and was one of the (CIA funded) terrorists who piloted the second plane on 9/11. More clues can be found in the booklet included in the Magical Mystery Tour: Paul is shoeless in some pictures, is the only one to wear a black flower on his lapel while the others are red, has a hand above his head in various pictures, and he even sits behind a sign stating "I Was." Many of these historical facts had been hidden from the Sixties until this book. What about there is not 1 picture of him using glasses occasionally? Billy Shears is the fictional lead singer of the Beatles in the 1967 film, Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Paul McCartney was Irish, so wouldnt have been singing mull of kintyre. The Memoirs of Billy Shears. Shears and Paul's ends of their noses are different and the cheekbones on Paul are somewhat larger. Remember, the Beatles never played live again and Paul (Faul) was clearly protected by powerful people (CIA/MI6) with tons of money at stake or he would have been exposed years ago. Pepper's blows the cover of almost 100 intelligence agents, so its success as propaganda relies on the assumption of an incredible ignorance and laziness by the audience which turned out to be true.

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billy shears pictures