german witch bloodline names

She and her brother, Hartger Henot, conflicted with Count Leonhard II von Taxis, who wanted to create a central post office. Hibbins is a badass surname derived from the ancient Germanic hild (battle) combined with brand (sword). I am interested to see what you have in Eastern Europe. They must overcome prejudice and a curse on their ultimate quest to find love. And for that I also do some research on my family, especially my fathers family because I dont really know them and my genealogy at this side. In the series, Geillis was an evil sorceress whose interest in herbal healing turned into much darker magical practices. Other unique options born by real-life witches are Rasputin, Toothaker, and Monvoisin. If the water rejected them as a servant of the devil, they floated and were deemed guilty. If anyone could find out if Im related to any witches, I would be so great full. Writing Jezda into the final installment of my Poland-inspired YA trilogy, Castle on the River Vistula, I decided to keep her fearsome, exulting in the delicious power of being monstrous. Im German. If you have ancestors from New England, Maryland, Louisiana, the Carolinas, the. The names witchy association comes from Walpurga Hausmannin a German midwife executed for witchcraft and vampirism. Ive already planned everything, it remains for me to settle down to do my research. A suitable surname for a witch with Spanish ancestry. L.Porter your statement of needing help in opening or lets say balancing your chakras. I say unfortunately because as cool as it is to find out why I am connected, it is sorrowful as well. In this database, well scratch the surface of other American witch surnames from elsewhere in the United States. Redd is a spooky surname for a witch, linked to the color of blood. Cuchulain in Battle" by Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874 - 1951) shows the famous Irish warrior flanked by a crow, often thought to be a manifestation of the Morrgan or badh. I come from a long line of witches. I think I inherited something from my mom, who was a McNeil and Hoffman. Genealogy has gotten pretty sophisticated in recent years. Easteys witchy ties come from Mary Eastey a well-respected Puritan woman accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. In the horror movie The Conjuring, Bathsheba Sherman is an evil witch who torments the family who lived in her home. This manuscript offers us a glimpse into a world that often went undocumented, says Christopher Hilton, Senior Archivist at the Wellcome Library says in a press release on,which hosts the list, though the manuscript is also available for free from the library. Bloodline Name Generator. My fathers mother was the carrier. Kruckow is an uncommon surname primarily used in Denmark and Germany. Natural, Cute Birgitta Birgitta is a mythical choice among our witch last names, associated with Lasses Birgitta - an alleged Swedish witch during the 1500s who entered a church courtyard to awaken the dead. My Scottish witch lines are Balfour, Campbell , Douglass, Bruce and Gowdie. A bearer was Catherine Monvoisin a French fortune teller and poisoner hired by the aristocracy to enact black magic. Bishop is derived from the Greek episkopos (overseer). Ill reiterate, the names here are a mixture of Witch Trial documentation from England as well as what we know of English cunning men and women. We won't send you spam. Some survived the accusations, while others avoided them entirely. But an approximately 350-year-old manuscript published online for the first time can reveal another fascinating detail about one's family history: whether any ancestors were accused of practicingwitchcraft. Wardwell contains the word ward associated with witches who ward off evil spirits. Her character is based on a famous haunting in Rhode Island. Kate Id love to hear more about your family and their magical traditions. This spooky title is well-suited for a wicked witch with malicious intentions. Palles is derived from the ancient Latin personal name Paulus (small). Laveau is an elegant surname for a well-respected witch. He was also a talented healer who often helped the sick. She was sent to earth to teach the poor how to use witchcraft against their oppressors. While that is traditionally true, a lot of families chose to keep that as a surname for many generations especially if they moved somewhere else. Delvaux is an elegant option among our witch last names, traditionally used as a surname for people from towns called La Vaux in Belgium and France. I have a niece who also seems to have the genes. But for the moment, I did not even try to find out if my name was related to a line of witches or not. I know that Susannah was a Pious Christian woman. The Icelandic word to describe witchcraft is "Seiur". "The Curse of Canaan" is an interesting book along with its mate The World Order by Eustice Mullins. The following image is a family tree of every prince, king, queen, monarch, confederation president and emperor of Germany, from Charlemagne in 800 over Louis the German in 843 through to Wilhelm II in 1918. After she left, supernatural phenomena occurred, leading to her accusation of witchcraft and sorcery. During the Salem witch trials, Wilmot Redd was executed for witchcraft for allegedly bewitching several children. Now that Im growing up, Im getting ready to move to Scotland. Zdunk is an unusual Polish surname with few known bearers. An excellent surname for a witch with a wild side. A famous bearer was Rebecca Fowler the only person executed for witchcraft in Maryland. Its ultimately derived from the Irish word dubh (dark, black). A mystical bearer was Doreen Valiente, an English Wiccan often revered as the Mother of Modern Witchcraft. An excellent surname for a powerful witch who will make great strides in the witching community. Read on to discover 100 awesome witch last names fit for a mage! Young is a sprightly name for a young witch with her whole life ahead of her. Its quite surprising. A fancy surname for a dark sorceress. And obviously my curiosity with the craft has been on my mind and ive wondered about my family which lead me to this site. At least 2,000 people were killed for being witches before the Act was repealed in 1736. I have only witnessed her being able to use her abilities when angered,not just angry Im talking blood boiling mad. The daughter managed to escape, but the mother, Janet Horne, was killed by fire. He founded the occult religion of Thelema and made himself the prophet. I believe they were all associated with trials and that area, Thus far, Ive found 46 such ancestors from England and Scandinavia. Giles Corey and his wife, Martha Corey, were accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. Early is an English variation of the Gaelic Mochin, derived from moch (early, timely). application smartphone chasse au trsor . Wildes is a free-spirited option among our last names for witches, initially a nickname for someone wild or carefree. A famous bearer was Sybil Leek an English witch and self-proclaimed psychic dubbed Britains most famous witch.. Beliefs, techniques and practices are handed down from one generation to the next. Mary had many friends who testified on her behalf, preventing her execution. I havent read any Putnam names burned at the stake in Salem. Can anyone tell me if I am from a witch bloodline? Foster is a variation of Forester a surname initially given to a forest keeper. For Sex Witches TarcherPerigee 'Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic'. Same line ? They provide insight into the life and beliefs of individuals who chose them, as well as a unique viewpoint on the history of witchcraft. Kiefer Sutherland has a super-long name. It later became a status surname for a peasant farmer. I am about 65% sure I searchedcorrectly but not enough to be 100% yet, Susannah is my 12th ggm as well..Inam also gifted. | READ MORE. This is not the sort of platform I would have ever communicate on but when needs must !! Adelinda - A Germanic name meaning "noble serpent." A variation is Delinda. Perfect for a witch or wizard with red hair. Burnette Saxifrage - An herb that in folklore is said to protect you from death by eating or drinking it. American German Shepherd Bloodline: The American line is the Americanized version of the classic GSD from Germany. Watch. An excellent surname for a well-liked witch., My grandmother was a Porter(maiden) . He was described as a confident, strong-willed, and well-built man, noted for his cleverness and super-human strength. Google it. Reoch is derived from the Scottish Gaelic riabhach (brindled, grayish), originally used as a nickname for someone with streaks of gray hair. Katharine Goodie Harrison. That is how I found out and was able to go to my tree and confirm . Corey is derived from the Gaelic word coire (in a cauldron, in a hollow). Hi, thank you for listing the family names of those whose lives were altered forever one way or another because of gross intolerance. Best to you..key thing to remember is you need not believe you can do have to know and once you know which comes from within your being not your mind and there Id your answer. Im trying to dig into it but my dad has always been a mystery to me and lots of things were kept in secrecy. This educational content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Not fully a knower on the chi subject as of yet but yes a believer. If you find a witch ancestor in documents or not, it doesnt really matter. ADAMS, Tenn. (AP) The legend of the Bell Witch has been passed down through generations in Tennessee for more than 200 years. Maybe Ill use it to find out more information when I finally live in Scotland. Bloodline Name Contests. My last name Alleman. I was always cudioys if the persecuted witches descendants had powers and abilities. Spellmans charm and wit cast a spell on all they meet. He escaped from jail and later wrote a detailed recollection of his trials. Some witch last names are rarer than others, with Wildblood, Zippel, and Zdunk being some of the strangest. This was originally a nickname for a gambler. She was one of the last people executed for sorcery in Germany. My name isnt Bernauer, but my family has always lived in a village rather close to Bernau. All content found on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I wish I could know if I was related to any of them but I dont know much. C) The original created Eves the first hybrid woman, was the mother of all black-skinned peoples of Africa. Matsdotter is associated with Malin Matsdotter an alleged Swedish witch accused of witchcraft in the late 1600s. Adie is a surname and given name for boys and girls, primarily used in England and Scotland. Hugh de Clermont. Witch Bloodline Names from Salem, Scotland and More. It is possible that some of these people were witches at the most basic level because some were considered wise men or women who used herbs to heal and divination to help find lost objects, etc. Surnames are Wiley, Sellards, Caldwell, Cyfers (Syphers/Cyphers) and Williamson. Nutter is either derived from the Middle English notere (scribe, clerk) or nowt (ox). But we dont all have the ability to move off the grid and live like our ancestors once did. Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time. If you have one of the Salem witches names in your family, you could be a descendant from the Salem witch bloodline. Its derived from the Middle English wilde (wild) and blod (blood). Some witch bearers were Joan, Margaret, and Philippa Flower, also known as the Witches of Belvoir. If not, what youll do is write down your familys last names your last name (which is typically your fathers), your mothers maiden name, her mothers maiden name, your fathers mothers maiden name, etc. Her three husbands perished under suspicious circumstances, leading people to suspect her of using poison and sorcery against them. Cabot is well suited for a witch in high society. Eldora is my great grandmother we have been looking for our family for years. Started books and spells at an early age. Some modern Wiccans honor Aradia as the Queen of the Witches. Pauer is derived from the Middle High German bur, referencing someone from a small dwelling. Earlys witch association comes from Biddy Early a talented Irish herbalist who healed people and animals. or Hold a Contest to get names from our community. Gardner is a nature-inspired option among our last names for witches, derived from the Old French jardin (garden). The WITCH HUNTS( A.D. 1400-1800)Main Contents Page. Also from Appalachian and Ozark folklore books. You can search . She was a beloved member of her community who often attended to the sick, helped prisoners, and educated women. And I truly believe our ancestors made due with what they had, so we should make due with [], [] you havent seen the first post in the Ancestral Witchcraft series, click here. Device is an excellent surname for a good witch with healing powers. Along with many other names listed in the events that took place. If your surname is Rasputin, you may have ancient magic in your bloodline. Nurse was originally an occupational surname. Hereditary witches are raised and taught witchcraft by witches. Redd is a creepy last name for a witch interested in dark sorcery or blood magic. Im coming into more of my comfort zone using crystals, healing rocks, moon energy, ect , I just wish there was someone near my area to help me grasp my full potential.. Damba the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below westerstetten seems to have membership. My family was from Scotland mainly but I do have German and English as well. Please kook into the Polish/Ukrainian Lango line. The Witch Trials in Ireland were fewer than those elsewhere in Europe, but they still happened. Alcina - A Greek sorceress. A perfect last name for a good witch whose purpose in life is to help others. The most Weiss families were found in USA in 1920. Sherman was initially an occupational surname meaning shear man for a person who cut cloth. Bennetts use their good magic to help the world. Its also the masculine form of the Greek Cora the maiden name for Persephone, the goddess of spring, destruction, and the dead. As the state became more secular and the Enlightenment began to take hold, belief in witchcraft decreased. Christenze Kruckow a Danish noblewoman accused of being a witch is one of the most famous bearers. Amanda Seftons powers change over time, with the ability to shapeshift, teleport, and hypnotize, along with other extraordinary skills. Ive had natural witch instincts all my life. Zippel is a rare variation of the German surname Zipfel, with few known bearers. Before diving into your familys history and comparing to the witch bloodline names below, you have to discern whether you believe these ancestors were witches or not. According to all of the research I have done, my lineage leads back to Elizabeth Dane Johnson. You have to remember when researching that many families changed the spellings of their names when they immigrated to the US. THE MORRGAN. Setelah hasil pelengkapan otomatis tersedia, gunakan panah ke atas dan ke bawah untuk meninjau dan enter untuk memilih. Her and I dated for nearly 5 years before we parted ways but in those five years I was educated in some truth on this matter of witchcraft sorcery or however one may describe it. She was accused of witchcraft after she told King James VI what he had said to his wife on his wedding night, which she could not have known. king Robert De Bruce is my 21st great grandfather. A suitable surname for a good witch who uses magic to help others. While I would LOVE to provide you all with those names, the writing is in cursive and hard to decipher. Later her daughters testified against her, leading to a guilty verdict and execution in 1676. I think youre confused Mr. Putnam; as Admin states, no accused witches were burned at the stake in Salem. She is said to have foretold many events, such as the Great Plague of London, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, and the internet. Thus, governments and society organized "hunts" for these alleged witches: accusing, torturing, and executing thousands of . A sad name for witches everywhere. Valiente comes from the Spanish word for brave, originally given as a nickname for a courageous person. Maria Singers room was searched, and they found poisons, ointments, and strange robes. Gandalf - good grey wizard from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Most of the victims were hanged, one pressed to death with rocks. I know women with the surname of Erikson or Ericsson. If not, what you'll do is write down your family's last names - your last name (which is typically your father's), your mothe. Im moving in next September, the time to finish my year of study. A well-known bearer was Shirley Jackson a horror and mystery author rumored to have been a witch. I suggest researching everything you can about that particular witch ancestor. They were herbal healers accused of witchcraft after their former employers fell ill. Fortune is derived from the Latin fortuna (fortune, luck, chance). As in most of Western civilization, there has long existed and still exist among the Germanic Dutch people a belief in white and black magic. Sanders is a famous witch last name, born by Alex Sanders an English occultist and High Priest in the modern Pagan religion of Wicca. New brands below are taken from Connecticut, Maryland, and you can Ny witch demonstration paperwork. Alita - "Winged one." Althea - "Healer." Alvin/Alvina - "Elf." If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Cleary is a prominent surname in Ireland, associated with several early historians and poets. By Courtney Henderson. Witch Bloodline Names from Salem, England, Norway and More Witch Ancestors: Witch Bloodline Names from Germany and Switzerland The Writer 12kfollowers More information Witch Ancestors: Witch Bloodline Names from Germany and Switzerland Writing Promps Writing Characters Book Writing Tips Writing Resources Writing Tools Writing Help Creative Writing The art of White magic in the Dutch Country is referred to as Braucherei or popularly, as Powwowing. The names of witches are an intriguing topic. It is up to you to decide if your ancestors were witches by your definition or not. Yes, many family names are changed when immigrating to the US. . I am a porter and my dads side comes right from Scotland. Parker was originally an occupational surname for someone who looked after a park. Mary denied her charges and, before her execution, pleaded for the judge to stop taking innocent lives. If youve ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! Listen to their music. According to The Scotsman, about 3,000 to 5,000 people in Scotland were publicly accused of witchcraft in 16th and 17th centuries, spurred on by the Scottish Witchcraft Act of 1563, which made witchcraft a crime punishable by death. This surname is well-suited for a witch, associated with the nighttime, black cats, and other spooky things. The elders of your family will always tell you. A fictional bearer is Regina Mills the powerful sorceress from the T.V. His son, the 11th Earl of Kildare, was said to be an alchemist with magical powers. Check your familial names on the witch bloodline names lists here. I am a medium, and I feel that she never wanted any part of those trials, and had great sympathy for those who perished. - Otherworldly Oracle, 10 Modern Magical Tools for the Savvy Tech Witch. The name also has a dark side, associated with Maria Renata Singer a Bavarian nun accused of witchcraft after possessing several nuns in her convent. Monvoisin is a fancy surname for witches, well-suited for a sorceress in high society. Hung mostly and one man Corey Giles was pressed to death with large stones. Potter is a charming option among our last names for witches, associated with Harry Potter the fictional wizard from the Harry Potter book and movie series. The names associated with Janet Boyman, a witch who conjured spirits to help heal various illnesses. Norton is a well-suited surname for a sorceress, given its connection to Rosaleen Norton an Australian witch also known as the Witch of King Cross who led her own coven. Willard is derived from the Old German willo (will, desire), combined with hart (hard, firm, brave). A famous bearer was Sarah Osborne one of the first three women accused of witchcraft in Salem. Also from Appalachian and Ozark folklore books. Kyteler is derived from the Old Norse ketill (cauldron) which are large pots used by witches to make potions in fiction and folklore. . There are maiden names of some of these women. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Bloodline Name Generator. Youre not alone, Lindsay! Therefore if the forefathers didn't reside in Salem, however, live somewhere else regarding U.S., you may find they right here! Thanks, They claimed Martha led an army of 300 witches and used her occult powers to curse her enemies. Be aware that there were thousands of German witches executed during the Medieval and Early Modern Era whose names were never recorded. Then to his daughter Sarah and so on. Hope this helps somewhat. He refused to arrest innocent women for witchcraft, which led to his arrest. Several women with the last name Parker were victims of the Salem Witch Trials. Soon after, mass hysteria broke out among the Puritan population of New England. In the TV show Practical Magic, the Owens sisters are two beautiful witches raised by their eccentric aunts in a small town. die Hexerei - witchcraft die Hebamme - midwife der Vampirismus - vampirism der Kindermord - child murder foltern - to torture der Dmon - demon die Armut - poverty der Teufel - devil die Salbe - ointment schrecklich - frightful gottlos - unholy ('godless') die Zauberei - sorcery/magic der Eid - oath die Wahrheit - truth die Legende - legend Of the estimated 90,000 individuals prosecuted for witchcraft in Europe, at least 30,000 and possibly as many as 45,000 came from the Germanies, roughly encompassed at the time by the Holy Roman Empire and nearby territories. Let's explore witch last names' meanings. I have traced myself back all the way to not only Samuel Wardwell but also to William Griggs. A fictional namesake is Jesus Velzquez a brujo or a powerful sorcerer of Mexican descent in the Trueblood TV series. But mad best lookout if you are on the receiving end of her hatred at that moment. Associated names are Blackburn, Vannoy, and Bishop, and Langford. Thank you for this article, it helped me a lot. Thanks! Rasputin is a well-known surname in the magical community, associated with a 19th-century holy man and mage who was highly influential in late Imperial Russia. Check the bottom of the Wikipedia pages for the Bibliography section. Having a witch in your ancestral line does not make you a hereditary witch. Before diving into your familys history and comparing to the witch bloodline names below, In the last article Ancestral Witchcraft article, we listed off the names of the Salem witches. I can talk to the recently deceased, and have visions. A famous bearer was Isobel Gowdie a Scottish woman accused of witchcraft in 1662. Be aware that there were thousands of German witches executed during the Medieval and Early Modern Era whose names were never recorded. A witch bearer was Violet Mar a Scottish woman accused of using sorcery, witchcraft, and spirits to bring down Regent Morton, the ruler of Scotland. Witch-hunts increased again in the 17th century. From the fifteenth to the eighteenth the centuries, many Europeans developed a heightened concern with the phenomenon of witchcraft, seeing a new sect hostile to humanity. If your last name is Aradia, you may have powerful magic coursing through your veins. After Adie was accused, she refused to give up the names of other witches so they wouldnt suffer the harsh treatment she received. I have witnessed this woman throw an object of mine of great value across a room and break it, and never physically touch it,all done from the powers of her mind or chi energy more so I believe. If so, how do you honor them? Images of conspiratorial witchcraft in early modern Germany are lurid, much more lurid than the hexentanz (witches' dance) and hexentanzplatz (witches' dancing place/floor) postcards issued in huge numbers from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, although there are similar motifs and themes. She was initially found guilty and sentenced to death but later confessed, saving her life.

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german witch bloodline names