Im filipino and I think most of those to true since I can be neurotic at times but not really. Haha. Personality differences around the world might even have contributed to the emergence of different political systems. Foot and toe ancestry suggest that by looking at the shape of your feet, you can make an educated guess about the origins of your ancestors. And Wives calling husband master? The Italians are passionate. The Average Face Of Women From 40 Different Countries regions) An absolutely great head length, a heavier facial structure, and a less leptorrhine nose form indicate a different Mediterranean sub-type from the two above. :D. Hi chris, I did quote a paragraph about Indonesian from your article here, for post in Indonesian forum at and I am also give your permalink there. Its maybe part of the human conscience to concentrate on bad or negative things, instead of concentrating on the things that connect us. And you forgot something: we love codfish and young people love beer. The Average Face of Different Nationalities: Do you see yourself? Unfortunately, I cannot comment on Slovenians because they are really a different nation from the rest of ex-Yu. It may be more useful to think rather of prototypes, which allow for variation around a set of core characteristics. Its a stereotype other regions in Brasil have, too, about cariocas (people who are born in Rio). :D :D :D Im french as well as itsme but when I read the stereotype for the French, I couldnt stop laughing. Especially English. Meanwhile, the highest scoring nations for Agreeableness, on average, were the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Jordan, while Japan and Lithuania scored the lowest. var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; At the very least, the findings on international differences in personality could be another reason for us to question our assumptions about other countries attitudes and behaviours. Remember, dont smile to PolishWhy? And please correct the worst quoted nightmares which peek in your eyes! },