CH..Represented by: Hasbro. column notes which side of the substance-theory conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.They love to expand and multiply; they can increase QUANDRIX SCHOLARS Principletheir knowledge or size by bending numbers. If the stat block appears in chapter 7, the text tells you. Other students take as many as a -the mascots by college. It keeps 4 A crumpled test on the theory of gravity manipula- me up at night. of magical study. Download PDF Share Related Publications. D&D publisher apologises after omitting cultural consultant credit from Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is a book that wants to capture the magic of college life and wizard school, but the real magic is love.. I'd appreciate the help if someone could point me in the right direction! But all find some balance between the two. Your academic passions are in the broad field you might adopt for your character.of history. Is it to help others or SHAILE TALONROOK, DEAN OF RADIANCEfurther a personal agenda? The campaign shies away from the strengths of the Strixhaven campaign setting - the five magical dragons, the bizarre archaics that wander around the outskirts of campus, and the mysterious Oriq . This view herbalist; its even said she once cured the Loreholdcelebrates the diversity and adaptability of life-forms, from the tiniest cells to the most complex founder dragon of a secret illness. rules in the Players Handbook.BUILDING A WITHERBLOOM CHARACTER FEAT DESCRIPTIONSDruids and warlocks make up most of Wither- These feats are presented in alphabetical order.blooms student body. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, which was released in the US earlier this week, is a sourcebook based on the Strixhaven: School of Mages expansion released for trading card game Magic: The Gathering. . But danger lurks even here. Also called the College ofacademic and magical specialties. from the pests of the bayouGROWTH AND DECAY WITHERBLOOM FACULTYThe two deans of Witherbloom are traditionally This section describes noteworthy members ofcalled the Dean of the Root and the Dean of the the Witherbloom faculty. Mage-students meet at the Rose Stage to prac-his price. Rugged mesas and steep hills soaring bridge that crosses the chasm of Pillardrop.rise from a wide plain, and a great chasm holds the The bridge and surrounding pathways are linedexcavated ruins of an ancient settlement. No successful ability checks means a char-time. An alternative art cover with a distinctive design and soft-touch finish is available exclusively in game stores now. Passed. CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION 4,JOBS DORMITORIESWorking in gainful employment while at school can Jobs: Cleanup crew member, events assistant, front-provide a character with a modicum of cash andhelp forge connections with student coworkers. 61 Advance to 9th Level! You may use the tableinspiration. DEAD LANGUAGES SOCIETY Skills: Athletics, History Member: Drazhomir Yarnask, Quentillius A. Melentor III These linguistics lovers take advantage of Strixhav- ens deep repository of tomes written in ancient and near-extinct languages, teaching themselves these tongues and often translating their favorite works. Silverquill and rupt institutions to accountPrismari see overlap in the area of performing arts, 5 Shadewing, forming weapons fromwith Silverquill emphasizing verbal performance darkness to slice and stab at foesand Prismari focusing more on dance and other 6 Silvertongue, bathing others in theforms of movement. Eloquence. The deans, like the professors who serve -as counselors to students, view it as their role to disand another who dwells on the idea of an orderly agree with each other and guide the college by wayprogression toward an ideal. Your studies focus on language, Suggested Characteristics. The player should track how many Job. Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! Aced. Bu. Mages emeriti are held in high es- ganized around the idea of philosophical principles teem and welcomed to campus as guest lecturers. should get the creatures stat block ready because STANDALONE ADVENTURES youre going to need it soon. Share it: Copy. 70 Ruins of Caerdoon 184 22 Advance to 10th Level! it might briefly surround the targets with shimmer- ing fractal designs or tessellated patterns.PRISMARI TRINKETS BUILDING A QUANDRIX CHARACTER d6 Trinket Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well 1 A pair of rose-tinted glasses with glittery frames for a Quandrix character. Founded seven centuries ago by five ancient drag- Also called the College of Elemental Arts.ons, Strixhaven is the premier institution of magical Quandrix Focuses on the mathematics of nature.learning, drawing promising young mages from all Also called the College of Numeromancy.over. Member: Quentillius A. Melentor III, RubinaFUTURE ENTREPRENEURS OF STRIXHAVEN LarkingdaleSkills: Insight, Persuasion These actors work together to create productions ofMember: Grayson Wildemere brilliant stagecraft, often involving new spins on oldThese enterprising students discuss business theo- classics as well as displays of magic and music.ries. They are five colleges where students explore different modes dedicated to their research and to educating genera- tions of mage-students who follow in their footsteps. Chapter that arent even spells. sciousness of a snarky sage 5 A sheet of parchment embossed with tactile letter- ing, glowing red 6 A broken dagger with a wavy blade and a serpen- tine hilt CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONS 31PRISMARI STUDENT PRISMARI SPELLSYou are an artist, and you have been preparing to Spell Level Spellshone your craft according to the traditions of Pris- 1st Chromatic Orb, Thunderwavemari College. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is a new MTG D&D setting A diligent4 Conservator, preserving ancient spell Order student, he quickly mastered the technical skills ofknowledge and other relics of the past art, but his magic left something to be desired. Decay ious ingredients for withering magic GrowthTheyre at home riding zombie crocodiles down a Growthlanguid river, picking herbs for a potion to treat a 2 Bleed doctor, drain the essence of liv- Decaydisease, brooding over a chorus of swamp frogs, or ing creatures to fuel sinister spellssummoning fearsome avatars of nature. The growth philosophy lean more toward demonstration and hands-on ex-asserts that the urge to survive and reproduce is the perience than lectures. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boeechat 31, 2800 Delemont. Every Lorehold class hassor of chaos) is a Humanoid resembling a bipedal a story of some careless student making a misstepelephant. STRIXHAVEN PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYJOB BENEFITS Jobs: Cleanup crew member, general assistant, re-While a student has a Job, they earn a wage and a freshments expert, stagehand, ticket taker, usher Coworker: Larine ArnezaRelationship Point, as explained below. Creature Type. .123Running the Adventures 44 .Ch 5: The Magisters Masquerade124 43Strixhaven Tracking Sheet Running This Adventure 125Extracurriculars 44 Cordially Invited 126Jobs 45 Reception at Bows End 127 42Exams Fate at Furygale 130Relationships 48 Advanced Arcane HistoryFellow Students 50 Exam: Relics 134 51 Aurora Luna Wynterstarr .. Dressing for Success 135Bhedum Sooviij 54 Party Preparations 138Cadoras Damellawar 52 Advanced Arcane HistoryDrazhomir Yarnask 52 Exam: Devices 139Grayson Wildemere 53 Suspicions 140Greta Gorunn 53 Fancying Up Footwork 140Javenesh Stoutclaw 54 Preparing the Hall 141 54Larine Arneza Advance to 7th Level! learned a few spells associated with Strixhaven University. Some of them use aVein. If you make an Intelligence (Arcana) without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.or an Intelligence (Nature) check while holding theprimer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourself Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choicea ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youroll the d20. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a new Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook that is set in the magical Strixhaven University from Magic: The Gathering. Cir- To the faculty and students of Strixhaven, it is un-cumstances will at times cause player characters remarkable to meet someone who hails from a far- to defy faculty authority and even deans during off land, since almost everyone on campus is fromtheir adventures, and the threat of detention or even somewhere else. Its extensive grounds includeserves as a hub for university life.See the appendix residence halls for first-year students, dining halls,or the poster map for a view of the entire university. Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Clerics (often with the Knowledge or Light If you do choose one of these backgrounds, you domains) are also quite common. Some fighters, monks, rangers, and rogues study here, using Quandrix principles to train their minds. Mages who Lisette believes in preserving nature and life, andadopt this view wield positive energy and practice she instills in her students a respect for all livinghealing magic. All New Spells From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos. To this day, the Founder Dragons roam the world.three elements of the wider world of Arcavios might They no longer associate directly with Strixhaven,have some impact on adventures in the school. dent NPCs. roleplaying, you can use the following Relationship rules to reinforce this aspect of the adventures. things. Students of Wither-You filled your childhood with rudimentary alchem- bloom College are equally likely to be found pickingical experiments, all in the hope of becoming a stu- herbs for a healing tincture or riding zombifieddent of Witherbloom College. Some students have even seen an arch In the multiverse of the MAGIC: THE GATHERINGTrading Card Game, Strixhaven is located on a come to life with magic in an archaics called Arcavios, which (according to legend) Both snarls and star arches are subjects of magi-formed from the collision or merging of two other cal research for students and faculty at Strixhaven, who also study wild and dead magic zones, floatingworlds. The triggering creature must created at Strixhaven. from bogsBiology, ecology, botany, chemistry, and related 5 Dreadbones, infusing dead tissue with magic to create Undead servantssciences combine with the study and manipulationof the magical energy of the Positive Plane and the 6 Earthcroucher, connecting directly with the land to power nature magicNegative Plane, the primal forces of life and death. The universitys students and faculty are united by a desire to learn and include humans, elves, dwarves,STRIXHAVEN IS A UNIVERSITY owlin (described in chapter 2), ores, trolls, vampires,This books campaign assumes that the player and studious folk of many other origins.characters are students at Strixhaven University. Deekah (lawful neutral human Quandrix professorImbraham loves numbers more than people or the of theory) sees the world as an endless sequence of interconnected equations, which to her is theout-of-doors; some say he hasnt gone outside cer-tain chambers of the Quandrix campus in years. It embraces intellect over emotion,magic. While danger-mal activity. Search . CHAPTER I SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONIf a character fails an Exam, Strixhavens bylaws RELATIONSHIPS require them to attend tutoring with a junior faculty member until they achieve at least a passed Exam As students, the characters have the opportunity in a different Exams encounter. It's a great way to explore relationships at a magic school and beat down monsters along the way, so Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a wonderful vehicle for both flirting and fighting. A profes-This section describes noteworthy members of the sor of order, he treasures every connection to old civilizations, whether its a magnificent jeweledLorehold faculty. These star arches are by the Founder Dragons. They can use any ability and skill An unscrupulous character can cheat on an Exam.they wish when making this check, but they can Doing so requires a successful Charisma (Decep-make it only once. 116 Witherbloom Apprentice Witherbloom Pledgemage Scrivening and Symbology . 1st Dissonant Whispers, Silverquill Trinkets. 86 Fractal Mascot 198 Quandrix Student 32 Galazeth Prismari 199 Silverquill Student Magical Physiologies Groff 200 Witherbloom Student 33 Inkling Mascot , 201Feats Exam: Otyughs 86 Strixhaven Initiate 35 Lorehold Apprentice .202 Strixhaven Mascot All the Worlds a Stage 86 Lorehold PledgemageSpells 36 ' 92 Lorehold Professor of Chaos .203 Borrowed Knowledge Secrets in Sedgemoor ..95 Lorehold Professor of Order .205 36 Mage Hunter .205 Kinetic Jaunt Advance to 4th Level! Characters can explore the setting over the course of four adventures, which can be played together or on their own. session, each participating character has advantageUSING THESE RULES on their ability check during the Studying phase.Each of the books adventures includes Exams. Is it supposed to be carefully thought out or 6 Ice sculptor, crafting ice and cold into Perfectionraw and spontaneous? of someone who has lived and died (or who will Few know that archaics existence is linked to a one day live and die) as an Oracle. Others come to settle their differences in wild duels in the lot behind the tavern. In addition to legions of people who devote Two Counselors. Its scholars low dean lives in an imaginary world.view math as a lens through which a mind can un-derstand the cosmos, not something that exists in-dependently in the world. Previous Page. Dimensions : 0.59 x 8.5 x 10.98 inches. Dungeons & Dragons' latest Magic: The Gathering crossover, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, brings five powerful new spells to Fifth Edition. When you make your char- 2nd Borrowed Knowledge (in this book), acter, you may roll once on the Lorehold Trinkets Locate Object table, instead of on the Trinkets table in the Players Handbook, for your starting trinket. Your Witherbloom spells might relyon material components or a spellcasting focus nescent white liquiddrawn from the swamp environment of Wither-bloom, and your spells might take on an appearance FEATSsuggesting those natural elements. hammer, a hooded lantern, a tinderbox, a tome of history, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 2 By searching for these lost artifacts, I hope to find taining 15 gp who I really am along the way.FEATURE: LOREHOLD INITIATE 3 I can barely go a minute without talking about myYou gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat (presented later research. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Download Free the Book in Format PDF. But danger lurks even here. Or per-ABILITY SCORE INCREASES haps your character is simply prone to rise later,When determining your characters ability scores, embodying the common nickname of night owl.increase one of those scores by 2 and increase a dif-ferent score by 1, or increase three different scores OWLIN TRAITSby 1. ISBN-13 : 978-0786967445. WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 5STRIXHAVEN S WORLD a place of great magic, such as the site of a greatStrixhaven bills itself as the premier institution of mages birth or the location of a time-lost spell.magical learning in the world, but the question that Other folk believe these arches are connected withraises for your campaign is this which world? 9 Opusmancer, creating magical effects Perfection on a monumental scale After all, in its humble opinion, every student deserves 10 Spectacle mage, hurling stormy dis- Expression the chance to see true art in person. Campus hijinks mix with mishaps and sinister plots, and its up to you to save the day. He is known for the students is in danger, they leap into action in per-unnerving habit of fully rotating his head around to fect harmony.address his students, while still rapidly chalking up DEEKAH , FRACTAL THEORISTcomplex theorems and equations on a chalkboard. At the end of each academic year, players lose If any players exhibit trepidation, err on the side any Student Dice their characters have earned of caution and dont use these rules for some or all from an Exam. Nature#3 NO TIME Skills Employer Rerolls d4s Rerolls d4s GRADUATION Coworker CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION ,3EXTRACURRICULARS new adventure. Though shes an elite mage who characters take over the course of chapter 4.can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers todefeat her foes with words alone. Its schol-ars view art as the fundamental form of self-ex- The Prismari Scholars table offers examples of thepression and magic as a tool, a medium, and an scholars in Prismari College. The typical life span of a player character in D&D is about a century, assuming the character doesntStrixhaven Backgrounds presents a background meet a violent end on an adventure. The Prismari Personality Traits table Languages: One of your choice Equipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, ansuggests a variety of traits you might adopt for your abacus, a book of arcane theory, a school uniform,character. Tune into D&D Live 2021 presented by G4 on July 16 and 17 for details including new . The player should track the Student whichever is applicable. The Loreholdof Lorehold College, reading every book on the col-leges recommended reading list for prospective stu- Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsdents. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University to Dungeons & Dragons, drawn from the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering. He has an extensive networkof connections on and off campus, and he can pro- made of magical ink (tributes left by spectators ofcure just about anything so long as you can afford past performances), which creates excellent acous- tics. Chapters and subchapters like "Extracurriculars," "Exams" and "First Day on Campus" imply players will get to experience authentic college life, allowing for more contained and immediately relatable stories with an added magical twist. Mages seek them outsuffuses all existence in the worlds of D&D. You can cast the chosen lst-level spell without a SPELLSspell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you Level Spell School Class 1st Silvery Barbscan cast it in this way again. Encounter over forty magical, mysterious creatures and NPCs in the bestiary. QRCode. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. Bookmark. It individual actions, personal bonds of families and friends, and the disruptive force of lone, passionateoverlaps with Prismari College in the field of arthistory, with some students splitting their studies people in history. He pays lit- tle attention to Dean Tulluss work, usually dismiss-2 Battle medium, strengthening sum- Order ing her attempts to find order in chaos as foolhardy.moned spirits for use in battles HOFRI GHOSTFORGE When Hofri (neutral good dwarf Lorehold pro-3 Chaos scholar, chasing down historical Chaos fessor of order) first enrolled in Strixhaven, heanecdotes as a litany of happenstance believed his future lay with Prismari. Backgrounds are an exciting opportunity to add more to the personality and history of your character. Experience D&D in new ways through the academic challenges, extracurricular activities and jobs, and relationships explored on campus. And Ill prove it, even if no one asks me to. Even though the characters studies imposes a cost: the character gains 1 level of ex-include the trappings of academic lifeattendinglectures, participating in labs, reading textbooks haustion that takes effect at the start of the day ofthose everyday academic activities mostly take place the Exam. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. D&D: Every Spell Introduced in Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, Ranked. Random Height and Weight table in the Players Handbook , and choose the row in the table that bestMagic Items collects magic items that Strixhaven represents the build you imagine for your character. At Higher Levels. College. You can alter fellow students, consider challenging them witha maps features as you see fit. random monster encounters that crop up on cam- pus. add to page 1. Until tion, with a failing grade on the front and the name then, Im going to keep faking it. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos Spells | Strixhaven Spells 5E In this view, math is embodied in the natural from snarls to star arches to ancient shrines. Related Topics 178Prismari College 45 No Time to Lose 178Quandrix College Orientation Challenge . Chapter 4 offers more information about Mage Tower.gatherings and games, including live-action roleplay-ing games and casual sports.CHAPTER 1 LIFE AT STRIXHAVENLOREHOLD COLLEGE ORDER AND CHAOSLorehold is the College of Archaeomancy a term Loreholds two deans carry the titles Dean of Order and Dean of Chaos, as order versus chaos encapsu-that describes the exploration of ancient things lates the fundamental conflict at the heart of Lore-through magic. Choose one lst- SPELL DESCRIPTIONS Choose two from druid- These spells are presented in alphabetical order. You might even play on one ofthroughout the world through the use of magic. Youathleticism of Prismari performance. Whether you're preparing for a final battle or for finals week, Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos wants to deliver you the magical academy fantasies you've been dreaming of. Rollicking campus adventures for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. Characters who use these rules48 CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION, The words you are searching are inside this book. Embed Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. The Silverquill Personalityminate or conceal is joined with the literal ability of Traits table suggests a variety of traits you mightmagic to do the same in your academic pursuits. There is one 1st level spell and four 2nd level spells, meaning everything in this book is rather low-level. Owlin have arms and legs like other Humanoids, as well as wingsStrixhaven and other D&D settings. Before starting any of this books adventures, con- Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be sult chapter 2 for guidance on making Strixhaven read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters and uniting those characters in a group. 107 Ruin Grinder 215 39 Shadrix Silverquill 216 39 Party at the Rose Stage 108 Silverquill Apprentice 217 39 Silverquill Pledgemage 218 39 Practice Makes Perfect Ill Silverquill Professor of Radiance 219 39 . Though the curric- you delve into more abstract studies of metaphysics,ulum of Prismari College attracts many outgoing arcana, or logic.and driven artists, the school has no shortage ofshy scholars and lackadaisical blowhards among Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Nature Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisans toolsits ranks. Using the rules that follow, characters EXTRACURRICULAR BENEFITScan join Extracurriculars to add flavor to the books While a student participates in an Extracurricular,adventures, gain minor rules benefits, and perhaps they gain a Student Die and a Relationship Point, as more easily befriend or irritate their classmates. The DM is free to add or remove languagesfrom that list for a particular campaign. The univer-ress through their magical studies. OPUS WALK Hundreds of Prismari creations are displayed alongHe recently graduated from Strixhaven himself,and he bubbles with excitement at the prospect of a path that winds through the central campus build-guiding a new generation of students on the course ings, giving the path its name: Opus Walk. Most stu- Witherbloom Pest Mascotdents eventually graduate, though, and they walk a The five kinds of mascots act as companions forvariety of paths after leaving the university. The life sciences are swamp beasts through the bayou. For nonplayerhomework, and studying for exams. I wish friendship came just as easily. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a campaign setting for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons (5e) that takes players to the magical school of Strixhaven. Nassari takes little heed of Deanwith a range of elements whenever she isnt focused Mistcoilers quiet masterpieces and often feigns for-on her teaching. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos comes with a campaign that is set across four school years, which many fans have pointed is similar to the gameplay loop of Persona 5.This raises the question of how similar Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos . 223 Exam: Symbol Glyphs 113 Spirit Statue Mascot 223 Strixhaven Campus Guide Getting Some Air 114 Tanazir Quandrix .224 Velomachus Lorehold Dangerous Knowledge . You discern colors increase, none of the scores can be raised above 20. that darkness only as shades of gray.LANGUAGESYour character can speak, read, and write Commonand one other language that you and your DM agreeis appropriate for the character. Strixhaven Supplemental Volume IV: The Bulletin Board Your walking speed is 30 feet.class offers suggestions on which scores to in- Darkvision. Optional rules characters, youre as likely to meet a pixie, a dryad, a giant, a treant, or another fantastical creature onin chapter 3 reinforce the importance of study in the campus as you are to meet a Humanoid. Some of them use a Prismari-spe- cific stat block from chapter 7. You cant use If youre starting a Strixhaven campaign with the intro- ductory adventure in chapter 3, that adventure gives all this flying speed if youre wearing medium or the advice you need to bring a party of characters to- gether. In addition, each campus has versitys main library. DnD: Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos' Table of Contents Surfaces - CBR The Witherbloomthe focus of your reading, which include biology and Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsnecromancy. and it needs to be let out somewhere! Consider these approaches: might throw you together more or less at random. 4th Control Water, Freedom of Movement 6 Instead of confronting my negative emotions, I 5th Circle of Power, Passwall channel them into explosive artistic displays. Search. Suggested Characteristics. They founded Strixhaven to fa-to draw students from across the Material Plane or cilitate that study and established the five collegesthe entire multiverse. Download PDF Share Related Publications. strictness and abrupt scoldings.BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIPTOLOGY STAR Brenneth Blackstone (neutral good dhampir Silver-Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill profes- quill professor of shadow) is a rising star in thesor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill. On the back, a harried Biblioplex assistant tries to tidy the mess. Youre free to follow those suggestions or feet of yourself as if it were bright light and in dark-to ignore them. PDF FREE || Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) by Strixhaven University does987654321 K not take responsibilityfor any injury of any nature sustained in the course of anything, magical or otherwise.DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, the dragon ampersand, Dungeon Master, Player's Handbook , Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide, Strixhaven, Magic: TheGathering, the planeswalker symbol, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries..All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast The materials described in this statement are protected under the copyright laws of the UnitedStates of America and around the world under international intellectual property treaties.
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