Artifact Evaluation - Systems Research Artifacts However, a plethora of recent data breaches show that even widely trusted service providers can be compromised. Session Chairs: Deniz Altinbken, Google, and Rashmi Vinayak, Carnegie Mellon University, Tanvir Ahmed Khan and Ian Neal, University of Michigan; Gilles Pokam, Intel Corporation; Barzan Mozafari and Baris Kasikci, University of Michigan. And yet, they continue to rely on centralized search engines and indexers to help users access the content they seek and navigate the apps. We present NrOS, a new OS kernel with a safer approach to synchronization that runs many POSIX programs. This fast path contains programmable hardware support for low latency transport and congestion control as well as hardware support for efficient load balancing of RPCs to cores. Foreshadow was chosen as an IEEE Micro Top Pick. Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. DMon speeds up PostgreSQL, one of the most popular database systems, by 6.64% on average (up to 17.48%). Our further evaluation on 38 CVEs from 10 commonly-used programs shows that SanRazor reduced checks suffice to detect at least 33 out of the 38 CVEs. The OSDI '21 program co-chairs have agreed not to submit their work to OSDI '21. To adapt to different workloads, prior works mix or switch between a few known algorithms using manual insights or simple heuristics. He joined Intel Research at Berkeley in April 2002 as a principal architect of PlanetLab, an open, shared platform for developing and deploying planetary-scale services. The OSDI Symposium emphasizes innovative research as well as quantified or insightful experiences in systems design and implementation. Our evaluation shows that NrOS scales to 96 cores with performance that nearly always dominates Linux at scale, in some cases by orders of magnitude, while retaining much of the simplicity of a sequential kernel. With her students, she had led research in AI, with a focus on robotics and machine learning, having concretely researched and developed a variety of autonomous robots, including teams of soccer robots, and mobile service robots. While compiler-based techniques have been proposed to improve data locality, they depend on heuristics, which can sometimes hurt performance. Professor Veloso is the Past President of AAAI (the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), and the co-founder, Trustee, and Past President of RoboCup. DeSearch then introduces a witness mechanism to make sure the completed tasks can be reused across different pipelines, and to make the final search results verifiable by end users. USENIX new Date().getFullYear()>document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Grants for Black Computer Science Students Application, Propose an interesting, compelling solution, Demonstrate the practicality and benefits of the solution, Clearly describe the paper's contributions, Clearly articulate the advances beyond previous work. As a result, data characteristics and device capabilities vary widely across clients. This talk will discuss several examples with very different solutions. We present selective profiling, a technique that locates data locality problems with low-enough overhead that is suitable for production use. We also welcome work that explores the interface to related areas such as computer architecture, networking, programming languages, analytics, and databases. Extensive experiments show that GNNAdvisor outperforms the state-of-the-art GNN computing frameworks, such as Deep Graph Library (3.02 faster on average) and NeuGraph (up to 4.10 faster), on mainstream GNN architectures across various datasets. With an aim to improve time-to-accuracy performance in model training, Oort prioritizes the use of those clients who have both data that offers the greatest utility in improving model accuracy and the capability to run training quickly. Accepted paper for Luo Mai at OSDI 22 | InfWeb We demonstrate that Marius achieves the same level of accuracy but is up to one order of magnitude faster. OSDI brings together professionals from academic and industrial backgrounds in what has become a premier forum for discussing the design, implementation, and implications of systems software. J.P. Morgan AI Research partners with applied data analytics teams across the firm as well as with leading academic institutions globally. Concretely, Dorylus is 1.22 faster and 4.83 cheaper than GPU servers for massive sparse graphs. Authors may submit a response to those reviews until Friday, March 5, 2021. Important Dates Abstract registrations due: Thursday, December 3, 2020, 3:00 pm PST Complete paper submissions due: Thursday, December 10, 2020, 3:00pm PST Author Response Period Compared to a state-of-the-art fuzzer, Fluffy improves the fuzzing throughput by 510 and the code coverage by 2.7 with various optimizations: in-process fuzzing, fuzzing harnesses for Ethereum clients, and semantic-aware mutation that reduces erroneous test cases. First, it enables a caller to push a message to a callee in two hops, using a new way of assigning mailboxes to users that resembles how a post office assigns PO boxes to its customers. Author Response Period While verifying GoJournal, we found one serious concurrency bug, even though GoJournal has many unit tests. The key insight guiding our design is computation separation. SOSP 2021 - Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Evaluations show that Vegito can perform 1.9 million TPC-C NewOrder transactions and 24 TPC-H-equivalent queries per second simultaneously, which retain the excellent performance of specialized OLTP and OLAP counterparts (e.g., DrTM+H and MonetDB). The full program will be available in May 2021. Here, we focus on hugepage coverage. Collaboration: You have a collaboration on a project, publication, grant proposal, program co-chairship, or editorship within the past two years (December 2018 through March 2021). There is no explicit limit to the response, but authors are strongly encouraged to keep it under 500 words; reviewers are neither required nor expected to read excessively long responses. Penglai also reduces the latency of secure memory initialization by three orders of magnitude and gains 3.6x speedup for real-world applications (e.g., MapReduce). The hybrid segment recycling chooses a proper block reclaiming policy between segment compaction and threaded logging based on their costs. Existing frameworks optimize tensor programs by applying fully equivalent transformations, which maintain equivalence on every element of output tensors. We demonstrate the above using design, implementation and evaluation of blk-switch, a new Linux kernel storage stack architecture. Report - Systems Research Artifacts Submissions may include as many additional pages as needed for references but not for appendices. The chairs will review paper conflicts to ensure the integrity of the reviewing process, adding or removing conflicts if necessary. Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States . Call for Papers - EuroSys 2022 Pages should be numbered, and figures and tables should be legible in black and white, without requiring magnification. Session Chairs: Gennady Pekhimenko, University of Toronto / Vector Institute, and Shivaram Venkataraman, University of WisconsinMadison, Aurick Qiao, Petuum, Inc. and Carnegie Mellon University; Sang Keun Choe and Suhas Jayaram Subramanya, Carnegie Mellon University; Willie Neiswanger, Petuum, Inc. and Carnegie Mellon University; Qirong Ho, Petuum, Inc.; Hao Zhang, Petuum, Inc. and UC Berkeley; Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University; Eric P. Xing, MBZUAI, Petuum, Inc., and Carnegie Mellon University. For instance, FAST 21 and NSDI 21 have author-notification dates after the OSDI 21 abstract-registration deadline. Weak Links in Authentication Chains: A Large-scale Analysis of Email Sender Spoofing Attacks Based on this observation, P3 proposes a new approach for distributed GNN training. The experimental results show that Penglai can support 1,000s enclave instances running concurrently and scale up to 512GB secure memory with both encryption and integrity protection. You must not improperly identify a PC member as a conflict if none of these three circumstances applies, even if for some other reason you want to avoid them reviewing your paper. Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS. When further combined with a simple caching strategy, our evaluation shows that P3 is able to outperform existing state-of-the-art distributed GNN frameworks by up to 7. As increasingly more sensitive data is being collected to gain valuable insights, the need to natively integrate privacy controls in data analytics frameworks is growing in importance. We develop rigorous theoretical foundations to simplify equivalence examination and correction for partially equivalent transformations, and design an efficient search algorithm to quickly discover highly optimized programs by combining fully and partially equivalent optimizations at the tensor, operator, and graph levels. Pollux is implemented and publicly available as part of an open-source project at NrOS replicates kernel state on each NUMA node and uses operation logs to maintain strong consistency between replicas. Professor Veloso is on leave from Carnegie Mellon University as the Herbert A. Simon University Professor in the School of Computer Science, and the past Head of the Machine Learning Department. Acm Ccs 2022 - Sigsac USENIX Security '21 Summer Accepted Papers | USENIX Instead, we propose addressing the root cause of the heuristics problem by allowing software to explicitly specify to the device if submitted requests are latency-sensitive. Accepted papers will be allowed 14 pages in the proceedings, plus references. Across a wide range of pages, phones, and mobile networks covering web workloads in both developed and emerging regions, Horcrux reduces median browser computation delays by 31-44% and page load times by 18-37%. Kyuhwa Han, Sungkyunkwan University and Samsung Electronics; Hyunho Gwak and Dongkun Shin, Sungkyunkwan University; Jooyoung Hwang, Samsung Electronics. In the Ethereum network, decentralized Ethereum clients reach consensus through transitioning to the same blockchain states according to the Ethereum specification. Currently, for large graphs, CPU servers offer the best performance-per-dollar over GPU servers. We present the results of a 1% experiment at fleet scale as well as the longitudinal rollout in Googles warehouse scale computers. We implement DeSearch for two existing decentralized services that handle over 80 million records and 240 GBs of data, and show that DeSearch can scale horizontally with the number of workers and can process 128 million search queries per day. As a result, the design of a file system with respect to space management and crash consistency is simplified, requiring only 10.8K LOC for full functionality. In some cases, the quality of these artifacts is as important as that of the document itself. Instead of choosing among a small number of known algorithms, our approach searches in a "policy space" of fine-grained actions, resulting in novel algorithms that can outperform existing algorithms by specializing to a given workload. 2019 - Present. Authors may use this for content that may be of interest to some readers but is peripheral to the main technical contributions of the paper. Pollux simultaneously considers both aspects. The NAL maintains 1) per-node partial views in PM for serving insert/update/delete operations with failure atomicity and 2) a global view in DRAM for serving lookup operations. We conclude with a discussion of additional techniques for improving the allocator development process and potential optimization strategies for future memory allocators. USENIX NSDI, 2021 Acceptance Rate: 15.99% Fluid: Resource-Aware Hyperparameter Tuning Engine P. Yu*, J. Liu*, M. Chowdhury (*Equal contribution) MLSys, 2021 Acceptance Rate: 23.53% NetLock: Fast, Centralized Lock Management Using Programmable Switches Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, V. Braverman, M. Chowdhury, X. Jin ACM SIGCOMM, 2020 Acceptance Rate: 21.6% We present DPF (Dominant Private Block Fairness) a variant of the popular Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) algorithmthat is geared toward the non-replenishable privacy resource but enjoys similar theoretical properties as DRF. The key insight in blk-switch is that Linux's multi-queue storage design, along with multi-queue network and storage hardware, makes the storage stack conceptually similar to a network switch. Based on the observation that real-world workloads always feature skewed access patterns, Nap introduces a NUMA-aware layer (NAL) on the top of existing concurrent PM indexes, and steers accesses to hot items to this layer. The NVMe zoned namespace (ZNS) is emerging as a new storage interface, where the logical address space is divided into fixed-sized zones, and each zone must be written sequentially for flash-memory-friendly access. In this paper, we present Vegito, a distributed in-memory HTAP system that embraces freshness and performance with the following three techniques: (1) a lightweight gossip-style scheme to apply logs on backups consistently; (2) a block-based design for multi-version columnar backups; (3) a two-phase concurrent updating mechanism for the tree-based index of backups. We implement and evaluate a suite of applications, including MICA, Raft and Set Algebra for document retrieval; and we demonstrate that the nanoPU can be used as a high performance, programmable alternative for one-sided RDMA operations. Paper abstracts and proceedings front matter are available to everyone now. Welcome to the 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '21) submissions site. Advisor: You have a past or present association as thesis advisor or advisee. Perennial 2.0 makes this possible by introducing several techniques to formalize GoJournals specification and to manage the complexity in the proof of GoJournals implementation. Lifting predicates and crash framing make the specification easy to use for developers, and logically atomic crash specifications allow for modular reasoning in GoJournal, making the proof tractable despite complex concurrency and crash interleavings. OSDI'20: 14th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationNovember 4 - 6, 2020 ISBN: 978-1-939133-19-9 Published: 04 November 2020 Sponsors: ORACLE, VMware, Google Inc., Amazon, Microsoft Get Alerts for this Conference Save to Binder Export Citation Bibliometrics Citation count 96 Downloads (6 weeks) 317 Downloads (12 months) Today, privacy controls are enforced by data curators with full access to data in the clear. Despite their extensive use for debugging and vulnerability discovery, sanitizer checks often induce a high runtime cost. After request completion, an I/O device must decide either to minimize latency by immediately firing an interrupt or to optimize for throughput by delaying the interrupt, anticipating that more requests will complete soon and help amortize the interrupt cost. The file system performance of the proposed ZNS+ storage system was 1.33--2.91 times better than that of the normal ZNS-based storage system. signin Sign in using your account. For realistic workloads, KEVIN improves throughput by 68% on average. Hence, kernel developers are constantly refining synchronization within OS kernels to improve scalability at the risk of introducing subtle bugs. Attaching supplementary material is optional; if your paper says that you have source code or formal proofs, you need not attach them to convince the PC of their existence. We present Nap, a black-box approach that converts concurrent persistent memory (PM) indexes into NUMA-aware counterparts. This paper presents the design and implementation of CLP, a tool capable of losslessly compressing unstructured text logs while enabling fast searches directly on the compressed data. Pollux promotes fairness among DL jobs competing for resources based on a more meaningful measure of useful job progress, and reveals a new opportunity for reducing DL cost in cloud environments. We built an FPGA prototype of the nanoPU fast path by modifying an open-source RISC-V CPU, and evaluated its performance using cycle-accurate simulations on AWS FPGAs. Registering abstracts a week before paper submission is an essential part of the paper-reviewing process, as PC members use this time to identify which papers they are qualified to review. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained significant attention in the recent past, and become one of the fastest growing subareas in deep learning. When registering your abstract, you must provide information about conflicts with PC members. Erhu Feng, Xu Lu, Dong Du, Bicheng Yang, and Xueqiang Jiang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Yubin Xia, Binyu Zang, and Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China. Session Chairs: Sebastian Angel, University of Pennsylvania, and Malte Schwarzkopf, Brown University, Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Yuntian Yang, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, and Trinabh Gupta, University of California Santa Barbara. Fortunately, we observe that the backups for high availability in modern distributed OLTP systems can be retrofitted to bridge the analytical queries and transactions in HTAP workloads. HotNets 2021: Call for Papers - sigcomm PET then automatically corrects results to restore full equivalence. Reviews will be available for response on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Poor data locality hurts an application's performance. OSDI '22 Technical Sessions | USENIX Title Page, Copyright Page, and List of Organizers | Responses should be limited to clarifying the submitted work. Using this property, MAGE calculates the memory access pattern ahead of time and uses it to produce a memory management plan. After three years working on web-based collaboration systems at a startup in North Carolina, he joined Sprint's Advanced Technology Lab in Burlingame, California, in 1998, working on cloud computing and network monitoring. Calibrated interrupts increase throughput by up to 35%, reduce CPU consumption by as much as 30%, and achieve up to 37% lower latency when interrupts are coalesced. Our evaluation shows that DistAI successfully verifies 13 common distributed protocols automatically and outperforms alternative methods both in the number of protocols it verifies and the speed at which it does so, in some cases by more than two orders of magnitude. In this talk, I'll speculate on how we came to this unfortunate state of affairs, and what might be done to fix it. This budget is a scarce resource that must be carefully managed to maximize the number of successfully trained models. We propose Marius, a system for efficient training of graph embeddings that leverages partition caching and buffer-aware data orderings to minimize disk access and interleaves data movement with computation to maximize utilization. We also propose two file system techniques for ZNS+-aware LFS. Welcome to the 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC '21) submissions site! Additionally, there is no assurance that data processing and handling comply with the claimed privacy policies. The overhead of GPT is 5% for memory-intensive workloads (e.g., Redis) and negligible for CPU-intensive workloads (e.g., RV8 and Coremarks). We also show that Marius can scale training to datasets an order of magnitude beyond a single machine's GPU and CPU memory capacity, enabling training of configurations with more than a billion edges and 550 GB of total parameters on a single machine with 16 GB of GPU memory and 64 GB of CPU memory. USENIX Security '21 has three submission deadlines. PC members are not required to read supplementary material when reviewing the paper, so each paper should stand alone without it. She also has made contributions in network security, including scalable data expiration, distributed algorithms despite malicious participants, and DDOS prevention techniques. 23 artifacts received the Artifacts Functional badge (88%). We identify that current systems for learning the embeddings of large-scale graphs are bottlenecked by data movement, which results in poor resource utilization and inefficient training. The biennial ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles is the world's premier forum for researchers, developers, programmers, and teachers of computer systems technology. Second, it innovates on the underlying cryptographic machinery and constructs a new private information retrieval scheme, FastPIR, that reduces the time to process oblivious access requests for mailboxes. To resolve the problem, we propose a new LFS-aware ZNS interface, called ZNS+, and its implementation, where the host can offload data copy operations to the SSD to accelerate segment compaction. Password OSDI - Guide Proceedings This is especially true for DPF over Rnyi DP, a highly composable form of DP. Prior or concurrent workshop publication does not preclude publishing a related paper in OSDI. They collectively make the backup fresh, columnar, and fault-tolerant, even facing millions of concurrent transactions per second. Fan Lai, Xiangfeng Zhu, Harsha V. Madhyastha, and Mosharaf Chowdhury, University of Michigan. Her robot soccer teams have been RoboCup world champions several times, and the CoBot mobile robots have autonomously navigated for more than 1,000km in university buildings. USENIX, like other scientific and technical conferences and journals, prohibits these practices and may, on the recommendation of a program chair, take action against authors who have committed them. Editor in charge: Daniel Petrolia . Submitted papers must be no longer than 12 single-spaced 8.5 x 11 pages, including figures and tables, plus as many pages as needed for references, using 10-point type on 12-point (single-spaced) leading, two-column format, Times Roman or a similar font, within a text block 7 wide x 9 deep. First, Fluffy mutates and executes multi-transaction test cases to find consensus bugs which cannot be found using existing fuzzers for Ethereum. DistAI generates data by simulating the distributed protocol at different instance sizes and recording states as samples. This post is for recording some notes from a few OSDI'21 papers that I got fun. This approach misses possible optimization opportunities as transformations that only preserve equivalence on subsets of the output tensors are excluded. We focus on NVMe storage devices and show that it is natural to express these semantics in the kernel and the application and only requires a modest two-bit change to the device interface. Further, Vegito can recover from cascading machine failures by using the columnar backup in less than 60 ms. We introduce a hybrid cryptographic protocol for privacy-adhering transformations of encrypted data. Software Systems Laboratory Wins Best Paper Award at OSDI 2022 Moreover, as of October 2020, a review of the 50 most cited empirical papers that list personality as a keyword indicates that all 50 papers were authored by people with insti tutional affiliations in the United States, Canada, Germany, the UK, and New Zealand, and only three papers included samples outside of these regions (see Supplementary
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